“Born before creation
Alive and Well in the heart
of every squatch”
A Leged is born
i awoke from a daydream
a vision slowly faded
an alternate universe
SQUATCHGEAR.org is the result of years of learning, training and planning. Born from a vision had while camping on an island deep in the Pacific Northwest, a new perspective was gained where the soul of the legendary Sasquatch awoke as a quiet guiding light in the soul’s of every human who’s only purpose was a desire to bring light into the darkness. Helping to balance the scales in the eternal dance between dark and light, above and below, past present and future.
dark but for the luminous moon and unfettered bright stars
and giant shoreline campfires
few and far between
From this newfound inspiration a triangle of entities began to take form who’s collective purpose was to lay the foundation for a better future for All.
The first of the three became a Washington state Not-For-Profit organization (YNMT.org) tasked with the marshalling of time, talent and resources dedicated to improving the spiritual, financial, physical and creative prospects of at risk working poor families.
each surrounded by a few silent giants as still as stone except for their burning eyes
alight with the fire of life
The second became a marketplace where all of the artwork, products, services and content generated from the efforts of YNMT.org can be made available for sale to the world. Everything sold on SQUATCHGEAR.org represents original creations by and for the benefit of the at-risk families working to learn new ways to improve their situations on every level.
As a result of this synergistic relationship 100% of the profits from everything ever sold on SQUATCHGEAR.org goes directly into the pockets of the creators and/or to fund the various outreach programs dedicated to improving their lives via YNMT.org.
keeping the balance
living the life
THANK YOU! Very much. For your patronage and support. By shopping at SQUATCHGEAR.org you are not only perpetuating the mission of Squatch spirits everywhere but you are also directly impacting the lives of those less fortunate struggling to make it in this ever changing landscape living all around you.
of the Squatch
Dedicated to lifting up and supporting LOCAL communities. Please send us a message via our contact form if you would like us to focus our efforts on your community as well.
Our mission, like the Squatch, will never end.